Why Wilder West?

Light Custodian
2 min readJan 25, 2022

The Wilder West team would like to share with you what caused us to create Wilder West. Most of us invested in the original Wild West project. Others joined when they heard that we trying to build a Tomb fork that was designed to last, not just to “make a few bucks” for the development team. Most investors in the original Wild West project were disappointed, not just in the outcome, but also by how this outcome came to pass. Let me share that story.

First, shortly after the genesis pool ended, many of the whales that invested in the genesis pools began dumping their main token, Bullet, in a manner not typical for most Tomb forks. This caused most owners to decided to abandon their positions as well, causing a cascade of selling Bullet.

Next, during this process, one owner of Bullet was very vocal about his disappointment in the project and the main developer’s lack of engagement on discord. When the primary developer came back to Discord, this user voiced his concern that the developer needed to be more active in the chat or he needed to appoint a moderator to let people know what was going on. A few people suggested that this user would be a good “mod”. This user accepted the position as “mod”, but shortly after began FUD’ing (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) the project by suggesting that it was a rug, even though it was not a rug. This continued for several hours while the developer slept. Both the main token (Bullet) and the governance token (Cowboy) began to spiral down even faster. After this user was confronted about his FUD’ing, he said that he had lost $4,000 on this project and wanted to get his money’s worth in entertainment.

In this situation, several owners discussed what we could do to resurrect this project. We initially considered purchasing tokens to raise the main token above peg, but we quickly realized we would simply become exit liquidity for other owners. Then we decided to restart the project.

As we discussed restarting, we also discussed what we liked and disliked about other Tomb forks. In our discussion, we decided upon 4 areas that need to be addressed:

  1. Utility
  2. Rewarding Farmers More Than Traders
  3. Whale Manipulation
  4. Staying Above Peg

We will discuss each of these points in future articles.

